Transvestite Lesbian Predicts the Fall of Secular Humanism

Speak quickly and carry a big dildo.

Camille Paglia first inflamed assholes with her 1990 book, Sexual Personae. In it she claimed that women have it best in the West, and that genius is something uniquely masculine, or Apollonian. Women on the other hand, Paglia claimed, are bio-psychologically hardwired to be solipsistic and narcissistic. However, inflaming left wing assholes was not enough, as she had to go on to call Christianity a fairy-tale made up by men who were afraid of nature. To Paglia, the forces of nature are female, and their name is Cthulhu (or Cthonian, same difference.)

The ultimate power(s) according to Paglia.

But since then, she has disappointed her largely male (cuck) fan base by not doing much besides complaining about the weakness and self destructive tendency of liberalism.

90% of the interview is straight dildos. But lo, look ye and wonder, for the dildo was jewel encrusted, and I shall shew thee the gems:

Reminds me of Jewish capitalism.

"You cannot just destroy, as the post-structuralists have done. You cannot just destroy. You have to substitute something else in its place. ... If you remove [religion] entirely from young people's experience, you must substitute something else. ... You cannot just say, 'There is no God, all rules are relative, and there's no code of conduct that everyone has to follow.' Ultimately, this kind of situational ethics has weakened secular humanism. I think secular humanism has failed, and I think all of us need to be concerned about the passion in Jihadism."

Liberalism cannot survive demographic inundation.

"When you have comfortable, bourgeoisie, secular humanists who believe nothing, and who basically think that the world around them is going to go on forever... We are a ripe target for disaster. I have a long view of history. I see how empires rose and fell, rose and fell. People in late Rome were also very progressive. They believed that anything goes, gay marriage and the like. They were philosophers, they had a comfortable lifestyle, etcetera. They thought that Rome would go on forever. Well it didn't. And neither do I think that the West is necessarily going to go on forever."

This can't go on forever.

"Education is in sad shape right now. I think it's shot through with PC (political correctness.) From what I hear, it's really bad in Canadian universities. But I think its effects on American education have been pretty dramatic, and that there's graduates from the elite schools who just know very little about the cultural heritage of the west, or the east."

"I found that meeting people who have never gone to college from the south, maybe highschool drop outs, who know the Bible, have a better command of western history than the graduates of the elite schools that I meet in journalism."

Even colorblind trannies can see the writing on the wall now.

With Kebab, there is no dildo.

There is only burka.

Only dirka.

Only death.