It Gets Better

Compare this:

To this:

In the former video, Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden interview Bill Wilkinson. In the latter, Tim Wise, flanked by two black tokens, debates Matt Heimbach and Jared Taylor. tl;dw: our debate strategy has improved by leaps and bounds.

In the first video, Pat Buchanan, (at minute 4:40 in the video) asks Wilkinson about his comments on the Jew controlled media. "I no longer use that term," he replies. So much for being "extreme."

The other striking reality is that even in 1982, leftists like Tom Braden were saying that racial integration "is what makes this country great" (minute 9:00) Then, at 9:50, "I don't know we're doing, in 1982, talking to you!" So, basically "Diversity is strength" and "This is 2015, not 1915!" They haven't changed their tactics, and we have. That is why we will win.

In 1982, segregationists wore silly costumes and allowed themselves to be bullied around on national TV. Wilkinson was supposed to be their leader--of course today he is running a multi-million dollar hotel in Belize.

KKK: Mainstreaming since 1982. With leaders like this, it's not surprising they failed.

A common misconception is that the KKK was too radical, too hateful, and too "hard" to succeed; therefore, the New Right must therefore tone down its message in order to distance itself from the past.

The truth is that the KKK was mentally superficial, intellectually soft, and ideologically unprincipled. It made up for a lack of ideological strength with physical shows of force and ritual which ultimately meant nothing in the face of Federal bayonets.

Today, let's cast off the KKK's skin-thin knee-jerk racism and embrace a deep rooted, scientific, philosophical racialism. We're better than corrupt leaders, silly uniforms, political parties, obscure rituals, tired old symbols, and flaccid nostalgia for the past. Instead, let's evolve for a better future.

Join the White side!