It Gets Better

Compare this:

To this:

In the former video, Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden interview Bill Wilkinson. In the latter, Tim Wise, flanked by two black tokens, debates Matt Heimbach and Jared Taylor. tl;dw: our debate strategy has improved by leaps and bounds.

In the first video, Pat Buchanan, (at minute 4:40 in the video) asks Wilkinson about his comments on the Jew controlled media. "I no longer use that term," he replies. So much for being "extreme."

The other striking reality is that even in 1982, leftists like Tom Braden were saying that racial integration "is what makes this country great" (minute 9:00) Then, at 9:50, "I don't know we're doing, in 1982, talking to you!" So, basically "Diversity is strength" and "This is 2015, not 1915!" They haven't changed their tactics, and we have. That is why we will win.

In 1982, segregationists wore silly costumes and allowed themselves to be bullied around on national TV. Wilkinson was supposed to be their leader--of course today he is running a multi-million dollar hotel in Belize.

KKK: Mainstreaming since 1982. With leaders like this, it's not surprising they failed.

A common misconception is that the KKK was too radical, too hateful, and too "hard" to succeed; therefore, the New Right must therefore tone down its message in order to distance itself from the past.

The truth is that the KKK was mentally superficial, intellectually soft, and ideologically unprincipled. It made up for a lack of ideological strength with physical shows of force and ritual which ultimately meant nothing in the face of Federal bayonets.

Today, let's cast off the KKK's skin-thin knee-jerk racism and embrace a deep rooted, scientific, philosophical racialism. We're better than corrupt leaders, silly uniforms, political parties, obscure rituals, tired old symbols, and flaccid nostalgia for the past. Instead, let's evolve for a better future.

Join the White side!

Be the change you wish to see... in the White Race!

Barack Obama, 20 years ago, on tribal identity politics.

According to Barack Obama, being of mixed race makes for a torturous teenage experience. The absence of natural racial identity, a so-called state of "colorblind multiculturalism," leads to loneliness and tribelessness. On the other hand, the adoption of one identity at the expense of the other leads to self hatred. This self hatred is then ultimately externalized and projected onto the whole world.

If I can't have an identity, then White people can't either.

The video has some other gems, like at 42:05, when Obama says: "black folks are the most forgiving people, because they've had the most practice. This whole notion of black anger and black rage is greatly overstated given what a brutal experience it has been in this country."

Putting aside the fact that high testosterone aren't caused by racism... Yes Obama! It was brutal how Africans enslaved one another. Just absolutely brutal, the way black slave owners in Africa traded away their very own black "bruthuhs." All that, just so these black slaves could be put on a ship, sailed to America, and then forced into something so bad only a cracka could think it up: slavery. 

Reminder: retconning only works in fiction, not history.

Why is there no anger towards the blacks who traded slaves with the Europeans in the first place? Or towards the Arabs who traded more, but castrated or killed off their slaves? Well, "black slave trader privilege" or "Arab privilege" don't quite have the same ring as "White privilege." "White privilege" sounds cool, like "collapse of civilization," or "the ethnic division and subjugation of America by a managerial caste of Jews."

52:25: "The truth of the matter is that American culture at this point, what is truly American, is black culture to a large degree. Flip on the television set. Look at Pulp Fiction. You can choose whatever examples you want. And it's had a profound influence on this entire nation. And it has to be affirmed."

Obama and the New Right agree: America has been hollowed out so that only most superficial husk of culture remains.

43:33: "The problem with Americans is that... Americans don't like to sacrifice. This generation in particular does not like to sacrifice. Our whole politics is geared towards not wanting to sacrifice and trying to do everything on the cheap. And solving the racial problems at this stage has very much to do with economics. ... and that's gunna cost some money."

Whose money? Whose sacrifice? Who is so lazy that they need to be chastised from a pulpit? Jeez Obama, you couldn't be more direct if you spit in your hand and told us to "bend dat lily-white ass ova!"

Perhaps the lulziest moment of all, at 45:05:
"I do think there is an element of faith involved in this project of democracy. There's an element of faith involved in the notion that you can create a society and a country that doesn't all look alike and sound alike and talk alike. It's a profound experiment and it's not over with."

All it takes is faith!

But enough of all this muh-dicking-around. Listen closely to what he says around minute 33:25:

"But in the end, it really has to do with being able to link together people's understanding that their self interest is tied to the political process. And that is very difficult to do if you're in a situation... where people always feel like things are happening to them, and they're not active agents. So a lot of groundwork needs to be laid to explain, "No, in fact you are an active agent." ... Sometimes as people develop, you can engage them in more sophisticated arguments about the potential power of a minority... but it's difficult work. There's no easy, magical solution."

Sit back and ask yourself, "How did a country founded on White supremacy ever end up electing this guy?" According to Ted Sallis, "the Right is on the wrong side of sociopolitical thermodynamics. ... In the absence of [...] concerted [...] opposition, the default pathway will be destruction of the higher races, cultural dissolution, a jumbled mass of egalitarian Last Men, the end of any hope for a higher humanity."

Sallis argues convincingly that it is easier to create than to destroy. But he forgot to mention Newton's law of inertia: objects in motion stay in motion, while objects at rest stay at rest.

White ignorance and inaction make us vulnerable, but for destruction to initiate in the first place, there must be agents of destruction at work. In nature, there exist agents like rain, snow, hale, Tearthquakes, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and so on and so forth. In the absence of external, destructive forces, White institutions can remain healthy for thousands of years.

To portray the Left as a bunch of thermodynamically-privileged entropy-freeriders is to misunderstand the nature of the enemy. In reality, they are the entropy itself. Now, if we want to subvert, corrode, and undermine the current order, it's our turn to become the entropy.

Our cause is not founded in anthropology textbooks on the heritability of IQ, nor in the economics of welfare, the cost of diversity to social capital, or even naming the Jew. These topics are only useful to the extent that we can first convince our fellow Whites that they are "active agents," and that their self interest is tied to the destiny of their race.

It's difficult work, and there's no easy solution. But if they can do it, so can we. And by joining our individual fate to that of our racial community, we achieve a larger, healthier, and truer sense of self.

There's no easy, magical solution. Like it or not, there's no way escaping it:

Obamoloch demands a sacrifice.

The question is, will you allow yourself to be sacrificed for his future, or your own?

Join the White side.

You too can be a moon man. Welcome aboard.

Transvestite Lesbian Predicts the Fall of Secular Humanism

Speak quickly and carry a big dildo.

Camille Paglia first inflamed assholes with her 1990 book, Sexual Personae. In it she claimed that women have it best in the West, and that genius is something uniquely masculine, or Apollonian. Women on the other hand, Paglia claimed, are bio-psychologically hardwired to be solipsistic and narcissistic. However, inflaming left wing assholes was not enough, as she had to go on to call Christianity a fairy-tale made up by men who were afraid of nature. To Paglia, the forces of nature are female, and their name is Cthulhu (or Cthonian, same difference.)

The ultimate power(s) according to Paglia.

But since then, she has disappointed her largely male (cuck) fan base by not doing much besides complaining about the weakness and self destructive tendency of liberalism.

90% of the interview is straight dildos. But lo, look ye and wonder, for the dildo was jewel encrusted, and I shall shew thee the gems:

Reminds me of Jewish capitalism.

"You cannot just destroy, as the post-structuralists have done. You cannot just destroy. You have to substitute something else in its place. ... If you remove [religion] entirely from young people's experience, you must substitute something else. ... You cannot just say, 'There is no God, all rules are relative, and there's no code of conduct that everyone has to follow.' Ultimately, this kind of situational ethics has weakened secular humanism. I think secular humanism has failed, and I think all of us need to be concerned about the passion in Jihadism."

Liberalism cannot survive demographic inundation.

"When you have comfortable, bourgeoisie, secular humanists who believe nothing, and who basically think that the world around them is going to go on forever... We are a ripe target for disaster. I have a long view of history. I see how empires rose and fell, rose and fell. People in late Rome were also very progressive. They believed that anything goes, gay marriage and the like. They were philosophers, they had a comfortable lifestyle, etcetera. They thought that Rome would go on forever. Well it didn't. And neither do I think that the West is necessarily going to go on forever."

This can't go on forever.

"Education is in sad shape right now. I think it's shot through with PC (political correctness.) From what I hear, it's really bad in Canadian universities. But I think its effects on American education have been pretty dramatic, and that there's graduates from the elite schools who just know very little about the cultural heritage of the west, or the east."

"I found that meeting people who have never gone to college from the south, maybe highschool drop outs, who know the Bible, have a better command of western history than the graduates of the elite schools that I meet in journalism."

Even colorblind trannies can see the writing on the wall now.

With Kebab, there is no dildo.

There is only burka.

Only dirka.

Only death.

Welcome to the Bone Zone

Around minute 1:49:00, The Daily Shoah declares war on the MGTOW-sphere, which shall hence forth be known as the BoneZone:

Aurini and Forney--now in mink coats.

Unless you are looking for a long term relationship, chasing pussy makes you hedonistic a slave to your own dick.