American-Jewish Power in 1947 vs. Dickens of 1839

While researching anti-White themes in Star Wars, I discovered that Stuart ((Freeborn)), Yoda's designer, modeled Yoda partially after Albert ((Einstein)), and partially after the mishling face of Stuart Freeborn himself.

That same Stuart Freeborn also worked on David Lean's Oliver Twist film in 1948. For those unfamiliar with Oliver Twist, the character Fagin is jewish. Dickens refers to Fagin 257 times in the first 38 chapters as "the Jew", while the ethnicity or religion of the other characters is rarely mentioned.

"[Stuart Freeborn's] work met with controversy again as the exceptional character make-up of Fagin [...] met mixed reviews. "Some people felt the ((enlarged nose)) was racist", Stuart confesses. "But the studio wanted a look similar to cartoon illustrations that had accompanied the book. I tested two different versions. One with a realistic nose and one heavily exaggerated. At the test screening Lean put it to the vote and everybody chose the exaggerated one," Stuart laments. He felt he had no choice but to do it that way. To this day he regrets that so many people were offended by it. In New York, the performance was denounced as anti-Semitic, and the film remained unscreened until 1951."[1]

David Lean's Oliver Twist had already softened the image of Fagin by removing Fagin's trial death by hanging. Unlike the previous 1933 American film version, the 1948 film omits the scene with Fagin in his prison cell, awaiting his execution.

The way Dickens intended it.

Stuart Freeborn, who is "part Jewish" himself, [2] pleaded with the director, David Lean to make the character less Jewish, but to no avail.

In May 1947, the Production Code Administration (PCA), Hollywood's self-regulatory censorship body, said: "We assume, of course, that you will bear in mind the advisability of omitting from the portrayal of Fagin any elements or inference that would be offensive to any specific racial group or religion. Otherwise, of course, your picture might meet with very definite audience resistance in this country."

The PCA created the Motion Picture Production Code, or MPPC. It made a list of "Do's and Don'ts," in 1930, three of which are exceedingly interesting.

"those things which are included in the following list shall not appear in pictures produced by the members of this Association, irrespective of the manner in which they are treated:
5. White slavery;

11. Willful offense to any nation, race or creed;

That special care be exercised in the manner in which the following subjects are treated [...]:
2. (avoiding picturizing in an unfavorable light another country's religion, history, institutions, prominent people, and citizenry);"

The MPPC helped to blot the memory of white slavery out of existence. It banned racism and xenophobia. In 1940, point 11 of the "hard code" and point 2 of the "soft code" were ignored in the (((The Three Stooges))) production "You Nazty Spy!" This was war propaganda produced prior to the official declaration of war between America and Germany.

The Code began to weaken in the late 1940s, when the formerly taboo subjects of rape and miscegenation were allowed in Johnny Belinda (1948) and Pinky (1949). At that same time, anti-semitism was considered "too offensive" for the public. The final blow to the code came in 1964, with The Pawnbroker, a Holocaust flick which featured bare breasts. The film was among the first American movies to feature nudity during the Production Code, and was the first film featuring bare breasts to receive Production Code approval.

In his 2008 study of films during that era, Pictures at a Revolution, author Mark Harris wrote that the MPAA's action was "the first of a series of injuries to the Production Code that would prove fatal within three years." The Code was abolished, in favor of a voluntary ratings system, in 1968. How fitting that Jewish victimhood be used as a justification to usurp White decency.

At that time, the Rank Organisation, which funded Oliver Twist, financed its top producers to make whatever they wanted, how they wanted. David Lean said at the time, "We can cast whatever actors we choose, and we have no interference at all in the way the film is made. No one sees the films until they are finished, and no cuts are made without the consent of the director or producer."

In November 1947, Rank's publicity chief, Jock Lawrence, wrote to the head of Eagle-Lion, Robert Benjamin[3]: "There are such problems… the Jewish one on Oliver Twist is a very serious one. It is something that I will have to show you here, rather than write them in a letter." He must have known that Lean had disregarded the Production Code Administration's demand concerning Fagin.

The Rank Organisation settled on a US release of September 1948. Following Lawrence's advice, it arranged a private advance screening for Jewish lobbying groups. The ((ADL)) considered the characterization to be an offensive stereotype that would be harmful in the light of "existing tensions." The New York Board of Rabbis went even further, declaring it a "vehicle of blatant antisemitism" that "would play into the hands of un-American elements". It wrote to the president of the Motion Picture Producers Association of America demanding that the film be banned.

As a result of the influence of the ADL of B'nai B'rith and the New York Board of Rabbis, the film was not released in the United States until 1951, with seven minutes of the film censored and removed, "to eliminate wherever possible the photography of the character of Fagin." In Israel, the film was censored and banned for anti-semitism. In America, it received great acclaim from critics, but, unlike Lean's Great Expectations, it received no (((Oscar nominations))). I wonder why?

On the other hand, the pre-war anti-German propaganda film Confessions of a Nazi Spy absolutely failed at the box office, yet it was named 1939's best film by the ((National Board of Review)).

The cover jacket of Celluloid Soldiers, by Michael E. Birdwell, reads:

"The Warner Bros. film studio," which distributed Confessions of a Nazi Spy, "embarked on a virtual crusade to alert [read: scare] Americans to the growing menace of Nazism. Polish-Jewish immigrants Harry and Jack Warner risked both reputation and fortune to inform the American public of the insidious threat Hitler's regime posed throughout the world. [...] the Warner Bros. studio marshaled its forces [...] push toward intervention in World War II."

Back to Fagin. According to the Jewish Chronicle, "Fagin had to be rehabilitated." When Lionel Bart the faggot-Jew wrote his musical Oliver! in 1960, he gave Fagin a lovable heart that was absent in both Lean's film and the original novel. Bart's plot rescues Fagin from the gallows that awaited him in the original novel.

Revisions continue to worsen. ((Roman Polanski's)) 2005 adaptation of Oliver Twist shows Oliver visiting Fagin in prison, to show how Fagin has received his due punishment. "Fagin, you were kind to me," says Oliver. They hug and Fagin offers a final gesture when he tells him where to find his box of treasures. "It's yours, Oliver, it's yours." What would Dickens have made of this?

Charles ((Drazin)) states, "Essentially humanist and progressive, I think [Dickens] would have understood why [the changes had to be made]."

But would he? Dickens called the Inuit "covetous and cruel." In response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, Dickens advocated genocide against the Indian race. On the 4th of October 1857 he wrote in a private letter to Baroness Burdett-Coutts, "I wish I were the Commander in Chief in India. ... I should do my utmost to exterminate the Race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested." He advocated that savages be civilised "off the face of the earth". In Bleak House Dickens mocks Mrs. Jellyby who neglects her children for the natives of a fictional African country. Dickens was a champion of the oppressed, but his humanitarian impulse only extended to other Europeans.

Peter Ackroyd, in his 1990 biography Dickens, notes Dickens' sympathy for the poor, opposition to child labour, campaigns for sanitation reform, opposition to capital punishment. He also asserts that "In modern terminology Dickens was a "racist" of the most egregious kind, a fact that ought to give pause to those who persist in believing that he was necessarily the epitome of all that was decent and benign in the previous century."

Ackroyd notes that Dickens did not believe that the North in the American Civil War was genuinely interested in the abolition of slavery, and he nearly publicly supported the South for that reason. Ackroyd twice notes that Dickens' major objection to missionaries was that they were more concerned with natives abroad than with the poor at home.

However, later in life, Dickens developed close friendships with Jews and created a sympathetic Jewish character "Riah" (meaning "friend" in Hebrew) in his novel Our Mutual Friend, whose goodness is almost as complete as Fagin's evil. Riah says in the novel: "Men say, 'This is a bad Greek, but there are good Greeks. This is a bad Turk, but there are good Turks.' Not so with the Jews ... they take the worst of us as samples of the best ...".

I guess Dickens wasn't such a great guy after all.

[1] Source.
[2] He admits his Jewish ancestry at 12:50 during this BBC interview.
[3] Probably Jewish, but couldn't find hard evidence.

Reminder: Star Wars already anti-White

While reading Greg Johnson's review of the new Star Wars movie, I was tempted to feel sad. But then I revisited Mr. Plinkett's review of the Star Wars prequels, and remembered that nothing of value has been lost:

Since Jews discovered that Star Wars produced shekels, they have twisted it toward merchandising and race mixing. Whereas Episode I, a New Hope, was written and directed by George Lucas, (((Irvin Kershner))) was selected to direct Episode II, where Dindu Lando makes romantic overtures toward Leia. (((Lawrence Kasdan))) co-wrote both Episode II and III, and helped to give us the sexually exploitative scenes of "princess Leia's bikini." Of course, even Yoda was "styled upon the eye wrinkles of (((Einstein)))." Howard Kazanjian, the Armenian director of Episode III, was named the 11th most powerful Christian in Hollywood in 2007, but this did nothing to censor Jabba the Hutt's den of whores.

Plinkett also has a great review of Avatar which breaks down the anti-White themes. He's not on our side, but he's unphased by political correctness, and it's hilarious.

Carson or Stalin?

Soviet Propaganda.

What distinguishes a Conservative from a Moonman can be summed up in the hyperbolic scenario of a Ben Carson vs. Stalin race. The Conservative votes for Carson, the Moonman votes for Stalin.

Carson is a nice guy. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. He's a Christian (Seventh Day Adventist) who believes in young-earth creationism, capitalism, and loves (((Israel))). Furthermore, he portrays himself as a convert from ghetto culture (attempting to murder people) to Anglo-presenting culture (PhD and presidential candidate), and credits his faith with this transformation.

Stalin is brutal. He is willing to do anything to maintain power. He's an atheist who purges eugenicists. He is a communist whose economic theories are only useful for mass producing killing machines. He works with Jews and murders lots of White people.

A vote for Carson is a vote for more of the same. A token Black in position of power, an anecdotal figure creating the illusion that there is only one "human" bell-curve. He feeds the conservative fantasy that everyone is "just like them on the inside," and that the more blindly they hope, the more likely their dreams will come true. Furthermore, Carson is actually a true believer in these fantasies, and will try to enact them. Unfortunately, to quote a TDS drop, "Your dream is a lie."

Stalin feeds no pretenses. He gives no fuel to leftists, and he motivates rightists to act. He has no use for political correctness. If an ethnic group gives him trouble, he relocates it to a remote area, like Andrew Jackson.

Carson would soften the implicit racial defenses of conservatives. Seeing "one of them" on the other side of the color line would soften their attitude toward immigration. They would think of Carson's exception as proving the rule that any non-White person can become White-presenting, if given enough patience. But patience is the last thing we need, because we're running out of time.

Every year that passes is another acreage of land lost from the future American ethnostate. Remember that the Reconquista recovered Spain, but it never recovered formerly European North Africa. Saying, "Oh, don't worry. Given enough time, we can take back everything!" is like trying to refute Peak Oil simply by saying, "Don't worry. Given enough time, the oil will return through the same exact processes which created it in the first place!"

If Stalin was elected, people would seek radical change immediately. They would not be pussy-whipped  by fear of fascist violence because they would already live under communist violence. How much worse could it get? Germans, Spaniards, and Italians all warmed to fascism after being confronted with the senseless violence of anarchist terrorists and communist reds. Stalin would feed into a Hegelian fascist reaction. (Kind of what is happening with Putin with Russia, though the Stalinist phase of the Soviet Union ended 40 years before he ever came to power, so the reaction is not as powerful as it would otherwise be.)

Carson might start a war for Israel against Iran or Russia. His fundamentalist belief that he is living in the "last days" might prompt him to view nuclear warfare as part of God's plan. But let's pretend that Carson would be totally isolationist in his foreign policy. In that case, he might placate Blacks and lower Black on White crime. It's entirely possible that Black on White crime is so high in part because Blacks feel alienated from and oppressed by White society, and Carson might help them feel included and liberated. Stalin, on the other hand, would certainly set up a gulag and NKVD killing system that would murder millions. Let's grant that Stalin would kill more Whites than Carson.

That the beauty of the White Soviet woman shall not perish from the earth!

Yet while Carson would preside over ever shrinking White birthrates, Stalin would restore gender roles and raise White birthrates. He needs young soldiers for his empire, after all.

We could think of Stalinism like agriculturalism, which lowered the life expectancy of former hunter-gatherers between 9,000 and 2,000 BC.[1] Agriculturalism caused tooth decay leading to deadly infections, it was a less nutritious diet, and it created large, concentrated city-states which bred disease. The industrial revolution had a very similar effect.[2] So if agriculturalism and industrialism killed people by forcing them into less healthy lifestyles with higher rates of disease, why did these ideas flourish?

While death rates increased, birth rates increased massively. Life spans were shortened, but there were more people. Thus, agriculturalists and industrialists were more secure in their collective survival, while less secure in their individual survival.

Americans considering Stalinism would face a similar dilemma. Most of our best individuals would die immediately by homocide, but our race would no longer be in danger of slow, collective suicide. In this case, a mind who sees history in spans of civilizations, rather than beginning in 1933, can see how Carsonism presents equal if not greater dangers compared to Stalinism.

Communism is still a bad economic theory, autocracies are extremely fragile, a limited-franchise aristocratic republic has more potential for growth and stability, and there is actually another choice besides Carson and Stalin: Trump! But before I fully exit LARP-land, let me kick the baby-boomer blood pressure up, just one more notch.

Translation: Comrade Moonman chooses Stalin!

[1] You can read more about this theory in Pandora's Seed.
[2] See chart here.

Reverend William King: Cuck of 1849

In 1849 in North Buxton, Ontario, an all-black community developed with the aid of Rev. William King, a Scots-American Presbyterian missionary. King had bought land (with government approval) for resettlement of black American refugees who had escaped to Canada during the slavery years via the Underground Railroad.

What we have here is a classic case of a White Christian Canadian, supported by the government, cucking for brown refugees, resettling them in civilized territories. William King was not a product of the cultural Marxism of the 1960s. What could have motivated Reverend King?

Reverend King, a former owner of slaves, fell victim to social shaming and then decided to enter the signalarity. The fact that he was Irish probably didn't help either.

Thanks to the good Reverend's efforts, one James Rapier, housed in his community, went on to be elected to congress in Alabama's 2nd district.

Rapier said that in Europe, "they have princes, dukes, and lords;" in India, "brahmans or priests, who rank above the sudras or laborers;" in America, "our distinction is color."[1]

What's interesting about this statement is that in Europe, the aristocracy never exceeded 10% of the population. In India and Nepal, the Brahmin constitute at most 12% of the population. But in the South, Whites never fell below 40% of the state population. 40% is too large to constitute an oligarchy or elite.

Music and Race

Biological, pre-rational desires act without respect to their causal sources. This is true with concern to food, sex, and tribalism.

People crave food irrespective of the survivalist source of their cravings. In an ironic turn of events, a mechanism which originally evolved to aid survival is now responsible for heart failure and lower sexual attractiveness.

Similarly, people use insemination blocking contraception in order that they might have more sex. Because raising children might interrupt the standard fuck party, instinctual means subvert their own evolutionary ends. The dopamine reward for sexual stimulation originally evolved as a mechanism to encourage insemination, but now that very same mechanism is encouraging people to swallow mini-abortion pills.

Just as we crave food and sex, we crave a group identity, or tribe. And just as hunger and horniness are biological and pre-rational, so is tribalism. Animals who do not the have words to understand their own hunger or horniness still feel hungry and horny. We humans might understand hunger and horniness a little bit better, but when it comes to the tribal urge, we are still capable of bestial, blind ignorance.

In the same way that most people cannot help but crave food and sex, people gravitate towards group-identity, without even understanding what they're doing. This can lead to very powerful energies being redirected in extremely silly ways, like Insane Clown Posse or Screamo-Rap.

Between the era of Napoleonic imperialism and the defeat of National Socialism, Whites were surprisingly self conscious when it came to the matter of tribalism. Now White tribalism has been identified as the original sin and Pandora's box of all misery, suffering, and inequality. Just as a monk might flog himself for lust, or an ascetic would try to purge feelings of hunger, Whites try to purge the constant influx of tribal thoughts from their minds. Most Whites, however, are not Brahmin. Therefore, this purge is merely superficial, and the urges remain, redirected around musical genres. The jocks listen to pop, the emos listen to grunge, the druggies listen to dubstep, the metalheads listen to... metal, and so on.

For other races, ethnic signalling is conscious and uncontroversial. All non-White ethnic groups have music which is definitively theirs. White rappers are at best honorary Blacks, and at worst "cultural appropriators."

This state of affairs is a total subversion of the previous American order, in which "ethnic music" was usually derided, and non-Whites were pressured into conforming to White standards.

Whereas Blacks used to emulate White dialects in order to become more mainstream, today Whites emulate Black dialects to become more mainstream.

As much as "coverkillernation" makes some good points in the video at the top of this post, I think his analysis is still too focused on the masses, and does not identify any of the movers and shakers at the top. He assumes that consumers have a larger degree of organic influence over the market than I would.

My hypothesis is that music is like language. Everyone feels some kind of familiarity with and affinity to their own native language. Some languages are said to be more beautiful than others, but languages do not spread based on their beauty or superior grammar. Rather, languages spread as a side effect of the success of their speakers.

We can speak of Italian as a beautiful language, and perhaps that will motivate some people to learn Italian. Yet most people stick to whatever language is given to them. If they learn another language, it will be out of practicality. The parallel in music is that people will like whatever they hear. Repetition breeds familiarly, and familiarity breeds fondness.

Some people will be moved to go to the opera on account of its beauty. But most people will learn to love whatever they hear most often. Human beings have an amazing tendency to acclimatize to vastly different environments, and music is no different. This tendency is ripe for control from the top-down.

Most musicians will tell you that success means getting signed on by a record label. The libertarian narrative is that record labels look only at what will be popular and be most profitable. Again, if memetics was an entirely bottom-up phenomenon, this would be true. But if memetics is vulnerable to top-down exploitation, then record labels have a large degree of wiggle room in which to work.

A certain breed of autistic misanthrope loves to complain, "How does such an such a terrible song become so popular? How can people like this drivel? Damn these sheep!" But is a song played on the radio incessantly only because it's popular? Does shit appeal to shitty people? Or is it the shitty music shoved down our throats from the top that make us shitty? In other words, does music become popular in part because of its incessancy? My hypothesis is that the causal link between frequency and enjoyment is best modelled by a positive feedback loop, rather than a linear chain.

Not only are record labels extremely powerful gate keepers in the music industry, determining what is safe for consumption and what should be pushed despite being distasteful, but an entire industry of publicists and agents push their artists in one direction or another. A good example is Taylor Swift, who went from "country singing good girl" to "dances under black butts bad girl." The transition from "Hannah Montana" to "Miley Cyrus" was not only a coincidental reflection of bottom-up trends, but also an indication of behind the scenes top-down influences.

Howard Bloom-oom-oom-oom, founder of The Howard Bloom Organization, Ltd. (once one of the largest public relations firms in the music industry) suggested to Prince and his management that he "aggressively pursue the rock and new wave audience ... Consequently, Prince's management put together a series of performances designed with racially mixed audiences in mind." (Nilsen, Per (2003) Dance Music Sex Romance: Prince: The First Decade. SAF Publishing.)

From his website: (emphases added)

"Using correlational studies, empirical surveys, ethnographic expeditions into suburban teen subcultures, and other scientific techniques, Bloom more than doubled Circus’s sales, and was credited by Rolling Stones’ Chet Flippo with founding a new genre–the heavy metal magazine. Seeking still further ways to infiltrate modernity’s mass mind, Bloom founded the biggest public relations firm in the music industry, The Howard Bloom Organization, Ltd.

Bloom worked with Michael Jackson, Prince, John Cougar Mellencamp, Kiss, Queen, Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Joan Jett, Peter Gabriel, Diana Ross, Simon & Garfunkel, The Talking Heads, AC/DC, Billy Idol, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Run D.M.C., Simply Red, and the heads of many a media conglomerate. He was adept at spotting new subcultures, entering them, and helping their members crusade for the right to express their identity…a skill that gave him an inside role in the rise of country crossover, disco, midwestern rock, fusion jazz, New Age music, punk rock, rap, and the form of crossover black music embodied in Prince and Michael Jackson.

“More important is the impact of a communal ritual like a rock concert ...”. Bloom’s task was to first experience the exaltation, then to dissect it. “The model for this work,” he says, “cames from William James, who attempted to feel the ecstatic experiences of mystics, then to probe these experiences scientifically, a process that led to his 1902 book The Varieties of the Religious Experience.”
Bloom’s forays into power and its manipulations were also intense. “In the music and film industry everyone knew that money and career advancement were on the line. But few realized how deeply what they did affected the lives of millions, and even fewer felt the responsibility that demands. It was an amazing privilege to work as an equal with the entertainment industry’s elite, many of whom I either had to woo or thwart to help my clients reach their audience with a message of genuine value. Some executives were master strategists but used their intelligence to increase their own stature, often at a brutal cost to others. Others were far more ethical. Yet even the best-intentioned employed boardroom and backroom tactics handed down from the politics of chimpanzees. Without knowing it, they used tricks of leadership we share with social animals from lizards and lobsters to baboons and mountain apes.”

The subculture of Washington politics was, to Bloom, the most disturbing of them all. Bloom co-founded Music in Action, a national anti-censorship organization. This brought him into head-on combat with Tipper Gore, wife of Vice President and eventual presidential candidate Al Gore. Says Bloom, “Tipper and the right wing religionists who used her for their ends were masters of perceptual manipulation. (Editor: can someone say Freudian-an-an projection?) They perpetrated hoaxes of outrageous transparency, yet still managed to convince the press and public that their falsifications were true.”

Twenty pages in The Billboard Guide to Music Publicity are devoted to Bloom and to the antidote he invented, “perceptual engineering,” which he defines as “a way of finding a valid truth that the herd refuses to see, then turning the herd around and making that truth self-evident. It’s what we do in much of science–seeing the ordinary from a new perspective, then revealing what makes it tick, and in the process altering society’s views.”

If they put this much effort into music, what else are they controlling?

 Woops. "Accidental." Right.

Fight the infiltrators.
Join the White side.

The Sickness of Racism

Ma'am, I'm sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, but your son is terribly sick. He has stage four xenophobia, commonly known as racism. He may never recover.

Ma'am, does your family have any history of racism? It's a highly heritable disease, especially among Caucasians.

I know he may seem perfectly normal, but as a trained diversity consultant, I've seen these cases time and time before. Patients seem to be healthy, strong, masculine, and virile. But beneath the veneer of wealth, self confidence, and power, your son is suffering a real lack of diversity.

While to all outward appearances, he appears to be normal, the lack of diversity is truly killing him. As his body's cells reject diversity, they slowly decay over time. No organism can survive without diversity.

With that said, there is still a chance that effective treatment could give him a bit more time. I suggest that he immediately begin an intensive diversity treatment. I know a black patient we can move into his room, and there's an Arab nurse who can replace his White nurse. It might also help if we restrict his television viewing to Spanish-language channels only.

However, you should understand this this treatment will be extremely expensive. Besides the decrease in property values, there will be some serious side effects, including increased levels of crime, poverty, and ethno-masochistic guilt.

What? No, no, there's no other option. With some diversity training, there's a chance that all this could be completely painless. Some patients report delusions of self righteousness, including hallucinations of improvement, elation, and pleasure at the prospect of their eminent demise. There is a small risk of depression or suicide, but we'll have to take that chance. It's really the best thing we could do for him, considering the circumstances.

Excuse me? Who are you calling a "Jewish quack?" Oh dear--it's as I feared. Clearly your son inherited the disease from your side of the family. Don't worry ma'am--I'm calling an ambulance right now. The paramedics will arrive shortly.

Hopefully, some day, we can eradicate this terrible disease.

The Weather Underground: founded by Bill Ayers, Obama's mentor.

It Gets Better

Compare this:

To this:

In the former video, Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden interview Bill Wilkinson. In the latter, Tim Wise, flanked by two black tokens, debates Matt Heimbach and Jared Taylor. tl;dw: our debate strategy has improved by leaps and bounds.

In the first video, Pat Buchanan, (at minute 4:40 in the video) asks Wilkinson about his comments on the Jew controlled media. "I no longer use that term," he replies. So much for being "extreme."

The other striking reality is that even in 1982, leftists like Tom Braden were saying that racial integration "is what makes this country great" (minute 9:00) Then, at 9:50, "I don't know we're doing, in 1982, talking to you!" So, basically "Diversity is strength" and "This is 2015, not 1915!" They haven't changed their tactics, and we have. That is why we will win.

In 1982, segregationists wore silly costumes and allowed themselves to be bullied around on national TV. Wilkinson was supposed to be their leader--of course today he is running a multi-million dollar hotel in Belize.

KKK: Mainstreaming since 1982. With leaders like this, it's not surprising they failed.

A common misconception is that the KKK was too radical, too hateful, and too "hard" to succeed; therefore, the New Right must therefore tone down its message in order to distance itself from the past.

The truth is that the KKK was mentally superficial, intellectually soft, and ideologically unprincipled. It made up for a lack of ideological strength with physical shows of force and ritual which ultimately meant nothing in the face of Federal bayonets.

Today, let's cast off the KKK's skin-thin knee-jerk racism and embrace a deep rooted, scientific, philosophical racialism. We're better than corrupt leaders, silly uniforms, political parties, obscure rituals, tired old symbols, and flaccid nostalgia for the past. Instead, let's evolve for a better future.

Join the White side!

Be the change you wish to see... in the White Race!

Barack Obama, 20 years ago, on tribal identity politics.

According to Barack Obama, being of mixed race makes for a torturous teenage experience. The absence of natural racial identity, a so-called state of "colorblind multiculturalism," leads to loneliness and tribelessness. On the other hand, the adoption of one identity at the expense of the other leads to self hatred. This self hatred is then ultimately externalized and projected onto the whole world.

If I can't have an identity, then White people can't either.

The video has some other gems, like at 42:05, when Obama says: "black folks are the most forgiving people, because they've had the most practice. This whole notion of black anger and black rage is greatly overstated given what a brutal experience it has been in this country."

Putting aside the fact that high testosterone aren't caused by racism... Yes Obama! It was brutal how Africans enslaved one another. Just absolutely brutal, the way black slave owners in Africa traded away their very own black "bruthuhs." All that, just so these black slaves could be put on a ship, sailed to America, and then forced into something so bad only a cracka could think it up: slavery. 

Reminder: retconning only works in fiction, not history.

Why is there no anger towards the blacks who traded slaves with the Europeans in the first place? Or towards the Arabs who traded more, but castrated or killed off their slaves? Well, "black slave trader privilege" or "Arab privilege" don't quite have the same ring as "White privilege." "White privilege" sounds cool, like "collapse of civilization," or "the ethnic division and subjugation of America by a managerial caste of Jews."

52:25: "The truth of the matter is that American culture at this point, what is truly American, is black culture to a large degree. Flip on the television set. Look at Pulp Fiction. You can choose whatever examples you want. And it's had a profound influence on this entire nation. And it has to be affirmed."

Obama and the New Right agree: America has been hollowed out so that only most superficial husk of culture remains.

43:33: "The problem with Americans is that... Americans don't like to sacrifice. This generation in particular does not like to sacrifice. Our whole politics is geared towards not wanting to sacrifice and trying to do everything on the cheap. And solving the racial problems at this stage has very much to do with economics. ... and that's gunna cost some money."

Whose money? Whose sacrifice? Who is so lazy that they need to be chastised from a pulpit? Jeez Obama, you couldn't be more direct if you spit in your hand and told us to "bend dat lily-white ass ova!"

Perhaps the lulziest moment of all, at 45:05:
"I do think there is an element of faith involved in this project of democracy. There's an element of faith involved in the notion that you can create a society and a country that doesn't all look alike and sound alike and talk alike. It's a profound experiment and it's not over with."

All it takes is faith!

But enough of all this muh-dicking-around. Listen closely to what he says around minute 33:25:

"But in the end, it really has to do with being able to link together people's understanding that their self interest is tied to the political process. And that is very difficult to do if you're in a situation... where people always feel like things are happening to them, and they're not active agents. So a lot of groundwork needs to be laid to explain, "No, in fact you are an active agent." ... Sometimes as people develop, you can engage them in more sophisticated arguments about the potential power of a minority... but it's difficult work. There's no easy, magical solution."

Sit back and ask yourself, "How did a country founded on White supremacy ever end up electing this guy?" According to Ted Sallis, "the Right is on the wrong side of sociopolitical thermodynamics. ... In the absence of [...] concerted [...] opposition, the default pathway will be destruction of the higher races, cultural dissolution, a jumbled mass of egalitarian Last Men, the end of any hope for a higher humanity."

Sallis argues convincingly that it is easier to create than to destroy. But he forgot to mention Newton's law of inertia: objects in motion stay in motion, while objects at rest stay at rest.

White ignorance and inaction make us vulnerable, but for destruction to initiate in the first place, there must be agents of destruction at work. In nature, there exist agents like rain, snow, hale, Tearthquakes, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and so on and so forth. In the absence of external, destructive forces, White institutions can remain healthy for thousands of years.

To portray the Left as a bunch of thermodynamically-privileged entropy-freeriders is to misunderstand the nature of the enemy. In reality, they are the entropy itself. Now, if we want to subvert, corrode, and undermine the current order, it's our turn to become the entropy.

Our cause is not founded in anthropology textbooks on the heritability of IQ, nor in the economics of welfare, the cost of diversity to social capital, or even naming the Jew. These topics are only useful to the extent that we can first convince our fellow Whites that they are "active agents," and that their self interest is tied to the destiny of their race.

It's difficult work, and there's no easy solution. But if they can do it, so can we. And by joining our individual fate to that of our racial community, we achieve a larger, healthier, and truer sense of self.

There's no easy, magical solution. Like it or not, there's no way escaping it:

Obamoloch demands a sacrifice.

The question is, will you allow yourself to be sacrificed for his future, or your own?

Join the White side.

You too can be a moon man. Welcome aboard.

Transvestite Lesbian Predicts the Fall of Secular Humanism

Speak quickly and carry a big dildo.

Camille Paglia first inflamed assholes with her 1990 book, Sexual Personae. In it she claimed that women have it best in the West, and that genius is something uniquely masculine, or Apollonian. Women on the other hand, Paglia claimed, are bio-psychologically hardwired to be solipsistic and narcissistic. However, inflaming left wing assholes was not enough, as she had to go on to call Christianity a fairy-tale made up by men who were afraid of nature. To Paglia, the forces of nature are female, and their name is Cthulhu (or Cthonian, same difference.)

The ultimate power(s) according to Paglia.

But since then, she has disappointed her largely male (cuck) fan base by not doing much besides complaining about the weakness and self destructive tendency of liberalism.

90% of the interview is straight dildos. But lo, look ye and wonder, for the dildo was jewel encrusted, and I shall shew thee the gems:

Reminds me of Jewish capitalism.

"You cannot just destroy, as the post-structuralists have done. You cannot just destroy. You have to substitute something else in its place. ... If you remove [religion] entirely from young people's experience, you must substitute something else. ... You cannot just say, 'There is no God, all rules are relative, and there's no code of conduct that everyone has to follow.' Ultimately, this kind of situational ethics has weakened secular humanism. I think secular humanism has failed, and I think all of us need to be concerned about the passion in Jihadism."

Liberalism cannot survive demographic inundation.

"When you have comfortable, bourgeoisie, secular humanists who believe nothing, and who basically think that the world around them is going to go on forever... We are a ripe target for disaster. I have a long view of history. I see how empires rose and fell, rose and fell. People in late Rome were also very progressive. They believed that anything goes, gay marriage and the like. They were philosophers, they had a comfortable lifestyle, etcetera. They thought that Rome would go on forever. Well it didn't. And neither do I think that the West is necessarily going to go on forever."

This can't go on forever.

"Education is in sad shape right now. I think it's shot through with PC (political correctness.) From what I hear, it's really bad in Canadian universities. But I think its effects on American education have been pretty dramatic, and that there's graduates from the elite schools who just know very little about the cultural heritage of the west, or the east."

"I found that meeting people who have never gone to college from the south, maybe highschool drop outs, who know the Bible, have a better command of western history than the graduates of the elite schools that I meet in journalism."

Even colorblind trannies can see the writing on the wall now.

With Kebab, there is no dildo.

There is only burka.

Only dirka.

Only death.

Welcome to the Bone Zone

Around minute 1:49:00, The Daily Shoah declares war on the MGTOW-sphere, which shall hence forth be known as the BoneZone:

Aurini and Forney--now in mink coats.

Unless you are looking for a long term relationship, chasing pussy makes you hedonistic a slave to your own dick.