Cuckland vs. Trumpenreich

This is my prediction for the Republican primary. Red is Trump, yellow is yellow-bellied cuck-suckers.

Basically, people in the Mid-South (Cruzland) and in the Mid-West (East-Mormon colonial protectorates) hate city slickers. They hate rich guys from New York, they hate the New York accent, they hate reality TV shows set in New York, etc. Trump has no appeal to them. They believe Cruz is capable of wall building (pro-tip guy: Canadians can't into walls.)

In New Sweden (Minnesota, Iowa), it's pretty White. People don't have a reason to hate Muslims or Mexicans because they've never had the pleasure of dealing with them.

In Ohio, it's sort of the same story. But with more cucking.

In Maine, they're sort of Libertarian / never seen non-Whites.

Honestly not sure about Alaska. Maybe there's some anti-city slicker / never seen non-Whites going on, but there is a high non-White population.

Everywhere else is just default, normal America.