Hilarious Hoax Merchant Sells Lies to Redditgoyim

Quick, get in here Moonmen, before the whole thread is shoah'd:

Here are some caps from 8ch/pol/ (click on images to see in full size):

These merchants were really sneaky. First, the Nazis brought them inside the death camp to gas and cremate them. Then, sneaky merchants snuck outside the death camps to steal some potato. Then, sneaky merchants snuck back inside the death camps to be killed. Makes perfect sense to return to "hell on earth" "worst place ever".

Just cooking a German Shepherd, don't mind us.
Something doesn't check out here...

Anonymous confirmed for Jewish psy-op:

Claims made by Hoax Merchant include:
"No one drank water for 6 days."
Possibility #1: eye witness accounts are unreliable.
Possibility #2: a jew is lying.

A person can survive only three to five days without water, in some cases people have survived for an average of one week.

Wait, seriously?

Hoax Merchant says he would never his children to get a tattoo with numbers on it. Which brings up an interdasting point about the 6 million...

The numbers don't add up, fam.
Also, apparently the Hoax Merchant in question is a ghost:

This one is a classic:

This kike offers a counter argument:

HWRA: Hitler was right again.

I learned something new in this thread: