American-Jewish Power in 1947 vs. Dickens of 1839

While researching anti-White themes in Star Wars, I discovered that Stuart ((Freeborn)), Yoda's designer, modeled Yoda partially after Albert ((Einstein)), and partially after the mishling face of Stuart Freeborn himself.

That same Stuart Freeborn also worked on David Lean's Oliver Twist film in 1948. For those unfamiliar with Oliver Twist, the character Fagin is jewish. Dickens refers to Fagin 257 times in the first 38 chapters as "the Jew", while the ethnicity or religion of the other characters is rarely mentioned.

"[Stuart Freeborn's] work met with controversy again as the exceptional character make-up of Fagin [...] met mixed reviews. "Some people felt the ((enlarged nose)) was racist", Stuart confesses. "But the studio wanted a look similar to cartoon illustrations that had accompanied the book. I tested two different versions. One with a realistic nose and one heavily exaggerated. At the test screening Lean put it to the vote and everybody chose the exaggerated one," Stuart laments. He felt he had no choice but to do it that way. To this day he regrets that so many people were offended by it. In New York, the performance was denounced as anti-Semitic, and the film remained unscreened until 1951."[1]

David Lean's Oliver Twist had already softened the image of Fagin by removing Fagin's trial death by hanging. Unlike the previous 1933 American film version, the 1948 film omits the scene with Fagin in his prison cell, awaiting his execution.

The way Dickens intended it.

Stuart Freeborn, who is "part Jewish" himself, [2] pleaded with the director, David Lean to make the character less Jewish, but to no avail.

In May 1947, the Production Code Administration (PCA), Hollywood's self-regulatory censorship body, said: "We assume, of course, that you will bear in mind the advisability of omitting from the portrayal of Fagin any elements or inference that would be offensive to any specific racial group or religion. Otherwise, of course, your picture might meet with very definite audience resistance in this country."

The PCA created the Motion Picture Production Code, or MPPC. It made a list of "Do's and Don'ts," in 1930, three of which are exceedingly interesting.

"those things which are included in the following list shall not appear in pictures produced by the members of this Association, irrespective of the manner in which they are treated:
5. White slavery;

11. Willful offense to any nation, race or creed;

That special care be exercised in the manner in which the following subjects are treated [...]:
2. (avoiding picturizing in an unfavorable light another country's religion, history, institutions, prominent people, and citizenry);"

The MPPC helped to blot the memory of white slavery out of existence. It banned racism and xenophobia. In 1940, point 11 of the "hard code" and point 2 of the "soft code" were ignored in the (((The Three Stooges))) production "You Nazty Spy!" This was war propaganda produced prior to the official declaration of war between America and Germany.

The Code began to weaken in the late 1940s, when the formerly taboo subjects of rape and miscegenation were allowed in Johnny Belinda (1948) and Pinky (1949). At that same time, anti-semitism was considered "too offensive" for the public. The final blow to the code came in 1964, with The Pawnbroker, a Holocaust flick which featured bare breasts. The film was among the first American movies to feature nudity during the Production Code, and was the first film featuring bare breasts to receive Production Code approval.

In his 2008 study of films during that era, Pictures at a Revolution, author Mark Harris wrote that the MPAA's action was "the first of a series of injuries to the Production Code that would prove fatal within three years." The Code was abolished, in favor of a voluntary ratings system, in 1968. How fitting that Jewish victimhood be used as a justification to usurp White decency.

At that time, the Rank Organisation, which funded Oliver Twist, financed its top producers to make whatever they wanted, how they wanted. David Lean said at the time, "We can cast whatever actors we choose, and we have no interference at all in the way the film is made. No one sees the films until they are finished, and no cuts are made without the consent of the director or producer."

In November 1947, Rank's publicity chief, Jock Lawrence, wrote to the head of Eagle-Lion, Robert Benjamin[3]: "There are such problems… the Jewish one on Oliver Twist is a very serious one. It is something that I will have to show you here, rather than write them in a letter." He must have known that Lean had disregarded the Production Code Administration's demand concerning Fagin.

The Rank Organisation settled on a US release of September 1948. Following Lawrence's advice, it arranged a private advance screening for Jewish lobbying groups. The ((ADL)) considered the characterization to be an offensive stereotype that would be harmful in the light of "existing tensions." The New York Board of Rabbis went even further, declaring it a "vehicle of blatant antisemitism" that "would play into the hands of un-American elements". It wrote to the president of the Motion Picture Producers Association of America demanding that the film be banned.

As a result of the influence of the ADL of B'nai B'rith and the New York Board of Rabbis, the film was not released in the United States until 1951, with seven minutes of the film censored and removed, "to eliminate wherever possible the photography of the character of Fagin." In Israel, the film was censored and banned for anti-semitism. In America, it received great acclaim from critics, but, unlike Lean's Great Expectations, it received no (((Oscar nominations))). I wonder why?

On the other hand, the pre-war anti-German propaganda film Confessions of a Nazi Spy absolutely failed at the box office, yet it was named 1939's best film by the ((National Board of Review)).

The cover jacket of Celluloid Soldiers, by Michael E. Birdwell, reads:

"The Warner Bros. film studio," which distributed Confessions of a Nazi Spy, "embarked on a virtual crusade to alert [read: scare] Americans to the growing menace of Nazism. Polish-Jewish immigrants Harry and Jack Warner risked both reputation and fortune to inform the American public of the insidious threat Hitler's regime posed throughout the world. [...] the Warner Bros. studio marshaled its forces [...] push toward intervention in World War II."

Back to Fagin. According to the Jewish Chronicle, "Fagin had to be rehabilitated." When Lionel Bart the faggot-Jew wrote his musical Oliver! in 1960, he gave Fagin a lovable heart that was absent in both Lean's film and the original novel. Bart's plot rescues Fagin from the gallows that awaited him in the original novel.

Revisions continue to worsen. ((Roman Polanski's)) 2005 adaptation of Oliver Twist shows Oliver visiting Fagin in prison, to show how Fagin has received his due punishment. "Fagin, you were kind to me," says Oliver. They hug and Fagin offers a final gesture when he tells him where to find his box of treasures. "It's yours, Oliver, it's yours." What would Dickens have made of this?

Charles ((Drazin)) states, "Essentially humanist and progressive, I think [Dickens] would have understood why [the changes had to be made]."

But would he? Dickens called the Inuit "covetous and cruel." In response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, Dickens advocated genocide against the Indian race. On the 4th of October 1857 he wrote in a private letter to Baroness Burdett-Coutts, "I wish I were the Commander in Chief in India. ... I should do my utmost to exterminate the Race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested." He advocated that savages be civilised "off the face of the earth". In Bleak House Dickens mocks Mrs. Jellyby who neglects her children for the natives of a fictional African country. Dickens was a champion of the oppressed, but his humanitarian impulse only extended to other Europeans.

Peter Ackroyd, in his 1990 biography Dickens, notes Dickens' sympathy for the poor, opposition to child labour, campaigns for sanitation reform, opposition to capital punishment. He also asserts that "In modern terminology Dickens was a "racist" of the most egregious kind, a fact that ought to give pause to those who persist in believing that he was necessarily the epitome of all that was decent and benign in the previous century."

Ackroyd notes that Dickens did not believe that the North in the American Civil War was genuinely interested in the abolition of slavery, and he nearly publicly supported the South for that reason. Ackroyd twice notes that Dickens' major objection to missionaries was that they were more concerned with natives abroad than with the poor at home.

However, later in life, Dickens developed close friendships with Jews and created a sympathetic Jewish character "Riah" (meaning "friend" in Hebrew) in his novel Our Mutual Friend, whose goodness is almost as complete as Fagin's evil. Riah says in the novel: "Men say, 'This is a bad Greek, but there are good Greeks. This is a bad Turk, but there are good Turks.' Not so with the Jews ... they take the worst of us as samples of the best ...".

I guess Dickens wasn't such a great guy after all.

[1] Source.
[2] He admits his Jewish ancestry at 12:50 during this BBC interview.
[3] Probably Jewish, but couldn't find hard evidence.

Reminder: Star Wars already anti-White

While reading Greg Johnson's review of the new Star Wars movie, I was tempted to feel sad. But then I revisited Mr. Plinkett's review of the Star Wars prequels, and remembered that nothing of value has been lost:

Since Jews discovered that Star Wars produced shekels, they have twisted it toward merchandising and race mixing. Whereas Episode I, a New Hope, was written and directed by George Lucas, (((Irvin Kershner))) was selected to direct Episode II, where Dindu Lando makes romantic overtures toward Leia. (((Lawrence Kasdan))) co-wrote both Episode II and III, and helped to give us the sexually exploitative scenes of "princess Leia's bikini." Of course, even Yoda was "styled upon the eye wrinkles of (((Einstein)))." Howard Kazanjian, the Armenian director of Episode III, was named the 11th most powerful Christian in Hollywood in 2007, but this did nothing to censor Jabba the Hutt's den of whores.

Plinkett also has a great review of Avatar which breaks down the anti-White themes. He's not on our side, but he's unphased by political correctness, and it's hilarious.

Carson or Stalin?

Soviet Propaganda.

What distinguishes a Conservative from a Moonman can be summed up in the hyperbolic scenario of a Ben Carson vs. Stalin race. The Conservative votes for Carson, the Moonman votes for Stalin.

Carson is a nice guy. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. He's a Christian (Seventh Day Adventist) who believes in young-earth creationism, capitalism, and loves (((Israel))). Furthermore, he portrays himself as a convert from ghetto culture (attempting to murder people) to Anglo-presenting culture (PhD and presidential candidate), and credits his faith with this transformation.

Stalin is brutal. He is willing to do anything to maintain power. He's an atheist who purges eugenicists. He is a communist whose economic theories are only useful for mass producing killing machines. He works with Jews and murders lots of White people.

A vote for Carson is a vote for more of the same. A token Black in position of power, an anecdotal figure creating the illusion that there is only one "human" bell-curve. He feeds the conservative fantasy that everyone is "just like them on the inside," and that the more blindly they hope, the more likely their dreams will come true. Furthermore, Carson is actually a true believer in these fantasies, and will try to enact them. Unfortunately, to quote a TDS drop, "Your dream is a lie."

Stalin feeds no pretenses. He gives no fuel to leftists, and he motivates rightists to act. He has no use for political correctness. If an ethnic group gives him trouble, he relocates it to a remote area, like Andrew Jackson.

Carson would soften the implicit racial defenses of conservatives. Seeing "one of them" on the other side of the color line would soften their attitude toward immigration. They would think of Carson's exception as proving the rule that any non-White person can become White-presenting, if given enough patience. But patience is the last thing we need, because we're running out of time.

Every year that passes is another acreage of land lost from the future American ethnostate. Remember that the Reconquista recovered Spain, but it never recovered formerly European North Africa. Saying, "Oh, don't worry. Given enough time, we can take back everything!" is like trying to refute Peak Oil simply by saying, "Don't worry. Given enough time, the oil will return through the same exact processes which created it in the first place!"

If Stalin was elected, people would seek radical change immediately. They would not be pussy-whipped  by fear of fascist violence because they would already live under communist violence. How much worse could it get? Germans, Spaniards, and Italians all warmed to fascism after being confronted with the senseless violence of anarchist terrorists and communist reds. Stalin would feed into a Hegelian fascist reaction. (Kind of what is happening with Putin with Russia, though the Stalinist phase of the Soviet Union ended 40 years before he ever came to power, so the reaction is not as powerful as it would otherwise be.)

Carson might start a war for Israel against Iran or Russia. His fundamentalist belief that he is living in the "last days" might prompt him to view nuclear warfare as part of God's plan. But let's pretend that Carson would be totally isolationist in his foreign policy. In that case, he might placate Blacks and lower Black on White crime. It's entirely possible that Black on White crime is so high in part because Blacks feel alienated from and oppressed by White society, and Carson might help them feel included and liberated. Stalin, on the other hand, would certainly set up a gulag and NKVD killing system that would murder millions. Let's grant that Stalin would kill more Whites than Carson.

That the beauty of the White Soviet woman shall not perish from the earth!

Yet while Carson would preside over ever shrinking White birthrates, Stalin would restore gender roles and raise White birthrates. He needs young soldiers for his empire, after all.

We could think of Stalinism like agriculturalism, which lowered the life expectancy of former hunter-gatherers between 9,000 and 2,000 BC.[1] Agriculturalism caused tooth decay leading to deadly infections, it was a less nutritious diet, and it created large, concentrated city-states which bred disease. The industrial revolution had a very similar effect.[2] So if agriculturalism and industrialism killed people by forcing them into less healthy lifestyles with higher rates of disease, why did these ideas flourish?

While death rates increased, birth rates increased massively. Life spans were shortened, but there were more people. Thus, agriculturalists and industrialists were more secure in their collective survival, while less secure in their individual survival.

Americans considering Stalinism would face a similar dilemma. Most of our best individuals would die immediately by homocide, but our race would no longer be in danger of slow, collective suicide. In this case, a mind who sees history in spans of civilizations, rather than beginning in 1933, can see how Carsonism presents equal if not greater dangers compared to Stalinism.

Communism is still a bad economic theory, autocracies are extremely fragile, a limited-franchise aristocratic republic has more potential for growth and stability, and there is actually another choice besides Carson and Stalin: Trump! But before I fully exit LARP-land, let me kick the baby-boomer blood pressure up, just one more notch.

Translation: Comrade Moonman chooses Stalin!

[1] You can read more about this theory in Pandora's Seed.
[2] See chart here.